Birthday Parties

Home Birthday Parties

Birthday Parties at the Bournemouth Aviation Museum

** There are a number of different options available for birthday parties at the museum. We are currently putting together a more comprehensive list of options and prices and hope to have this available on the website shortly.

In the meantime, if you would like to hold a birthday party at the museum, please contact the museum by phone to discuss your requirements or email us and we will see if we can help.

Gift vouchers can be purchased in the museum’s shop and are redeemable  within twelve months. Minimum cost is £3.00 but can be up to any chosen value. We will include also, a free boarding pass for each child to visit the museum at some other time.

Birthday Parties Application Form

You can also download a word processor friendly copy of the Birthday Party Application Form here.

You can e-mail the completed form to:

Your Details

Number in Group


Requested Date of Party

Special Requirements